The Official Super Draft Home Page

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There is $80,000.00 in prize money to be won in our popular Playoff Super Draft and Super 8 NHL League Hockey Pool.

Our Regular Season Super Draft and Super 8 lottery has $90,000 in prize money.

See the News and Updates Tab for information on the upcoming draft.

2024 Playoff Season Information

The winner’s list for the 2024 Playoff Season is posted under the Winner’s Archive.

All Prize money will be in the mail the first week of July.

Thanks to everyone for the great year, and we look forward to seeing your entries again this fall.

Watch the website for Regular Season Dates and Deadline.

2023/2024 Regular Season Information

The Winners List is complete for the Regular Season and posted under the Winners Archive Tab.
The Prize Money will be in the mail to the winners this week.
Congratulations everyone! Thanks again for playing Kenaston SuperDraft.

2024 Playoff Season-Round Winner

Congratulations to Tom Whiteside-Team ID: TOMW197 with 200 points-Round 1 Winner!

Round 2- 3 way tie with 372 points each-James Petrie-SHARKY2, Mike Frelich-WARRIORS3 and Ron Bigras-KAMALOKAMY13.Congratulations all!

Round 3 Winner-Congratulations to Ron Bigras-Team ID: KAMALOKAMY12 with 460 points

How to find the 2024 Playoff Standings as a Guest


1. Google: or click on the link from (right hand side of the home page)
2. When on their home page, right hand side of the page, where it says Sign in, click that
3. Go below the boxes that as for an email and password, to the RED writing that says: looking to enter a pool as a guest-Click on that
4. This brings you the guest page: the first box has 2024 Playoff Season, in it
5. In the next box: Pool Name: KenastonPlayoffSuperDraft32 or KenastonPlayoffSuperDraft8
6. In the next box: Password: Guest (for both pools)
7. This will open the standings page
8. To filter your own team out, on the right hand side is the filter team name box, you put your Team Id in there. To see the NHL players on an individual team, click the team id and the players will load.

Good Luck Everyone! Thank you for supporting KenastonSuperDraft!

Weekly Winner for Week 14-Regular Season 2023-2024

The weekly winner for week 14-April 15-18, 2024-is Kyle Atkinson-Team ID-MOOSESNIPER003 and Shayne Van Dene-SHAYNE0-51 points each. Congratulations!

How to find the standings for 2023/2024 Draft

Click the link on our home page.
Once on the website. Click the sign in tab.
Below where it asks for an email and password, in red writing. Is the link to enter as a guest into the pools.
Click the guest access link. When the next page appears, below the 2023/2024 Regular Season box, enter the pool name Kenastonsuperdraft32 or Kenastonsuperdraft8. Then in the password box, enter password=guest.
This will get you into the pools.
Find your team by filtering in the search box with your team name.

2023-2024 Regular Season Draft

The Deadline is Tuesday, October 31st @ 11pm CST for our 2023-2024 Regular Season Draft.

Forms will be available after October 11th.

Lottery License Numbers: LR23-0038 and RR23-0193

End of Season Information

For those, that won prize money from the 2023 Playoff Draft, it is in the mail.

If you wish to view, the entire Winner’s List, view it under the Winner’s Archives Tab. Click on it from the Home Page.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy summer, and stay tuned for our Regular Season Draft dates and information to come this fall!

Our hockey draft provides a personal team ranking according to individual NHL player selections.

Check out under the Winner History Tab to see the Regular Season Winners and Playoff Season Winners!

Also see our story and rules pages.

Super Draft is a community based NHL Hockey Pool created in 1984 as a Lion’s Club initiative to help fund key infrastructure projects in Kenaston, Saskatchewan. In addition to these projects, Super Draft provides donations to local and national charities.

Lions Club LogoKenaston Super Draft would like to thank you for your continued support of our Hockey Pool.