2022 Playoff Draft Finalization

All the prize money was mailed today.

A winners list has been posted under the Winners Tab on the home page. It also includes the Winning Draft Team and Super 8 Team.

All other final letters will be mailed by the end of this week.

Everyone enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you participate in the Regular Season Draft this fall!

Confirmation Letters

Confirmation Letters just went in the mail. Please review your teams and email if there are any concerns.

Also please note, we are still having a few issues with points updating each day. Hope this will all be resolved soon.

Technical Problems

We are having a few problems with the links for our points on line. The yesterday, 7 day and 30 day columns are blank and injuries aren’t showing. We are working on these issues and hope early next week, everything will be in order. The total points, as of today are good.

Some teams didn’t down load originally as well, I hope that is taken care of.

We are using a new feed and working the bugs out. Thank you for your patiences.